Parajumbles is the most important part of every competitive exams.It forms the crux of verbal reasoning along with the reading comprehension.One can always find questions based on parajumbles in every paper.So it is necessary for an aspirant to master this concept.

Let us start with the basics step by step and then I ll take to you to the level where parajumbles will become your forte in every exam you 'll give.

Don't Forget To Read :



If you are able to spot out any of these :

 - Opening statement -It is usually complete in itself and mark the beginning of something new.It 
 explains what the paragraph is about.

 -Closing statement - It concludes the theme or it will take into consideration other stated sentence such that all other statements seems to proceed it in the order.

-Mandatory pair: Two or more statements which need to be together in order to make sense of the whole jumbled up sentences.

 Now let us apply this in the below question:

Q1 . A. The likelihood of an accident is determined by how carefully the motorist drives and how carefully the pedestrian crosses the street.

B. An accident involving a motorist and a pedestrian is such a case.

C. Each must decide how much care to exercise without knowing how careful the other is.

D. The simplest strategic problem arises when two individuals interact with each other, and each
must decide what to do without knowing what the other is doing.

(a) ABCD (b) ADCB (c) DBCA (d) DBAC

Opening sentence : Read all the sentences carefully, we observe in B that such a case cannot be a opening sentence ,something should come before it.

Now statement C talks about  'each '  and this each should refer to someone ,so C cannot be the opening statement.

D introduces  a general concept whereas A describe the case statement B is talking about .So , D is the opening sentence.

 So among Options we have either (c) DBCA or (d) DBAC

Mandatory Link: Let us start with "such a case" link  statement in option B. Now its obvious either BA or BC is the link . 
Now statement A talks about both should be careful and C talks about being careful without aware of other person thinking. 

Hence,the link is BA, infact the link is BAC.

We have come down to one option (d) DBAC.

Finding out Last sentence not required for this question because it was much easier to find mandatory pair for this question ,but there will be other questions where finding out last sentence will be easier.

LAST STEP: Answer obtained through this technique need to be checked by checking the overall flow if its fit right.So, on checking DBAC we find that they are in flow with the thought.

Warning:Never start solving  by reading given options ,because I have observed students usually follow this and try to fit sentence as given in options and mostly they are wrong.

Using options to find opening ,closing lines  and mandatory pairs :

Instead use options to get hint of opening sentence ,like in above example

(a) ABCD (b) ADCB (c) DBCA (d) DBAC

opening sentence will be either A or D.

Similarly while going through options always search for pairs which are present in atleast two options and then check whether  they really form such pair.In our example DB is one such pair which exist in option (c ) and (d) helping us to narrow down on option (c) and (d).

(a) ABCD (b) ADCB (c) DBCA (d) DBAC

Now download frequently asked questions on parajumbles from the below link and start practising:




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